Wednesday, January 24, 2007

"But Why Will You Say That I'm Mad?"

As I was perusing the Acadamy Award nominations, I couldn't help but see the year 2001-created "best animated feature" category and feel nothing but empty sadness. The films nominated may be sufficient in the areas of storytelling or artwork, but honestly, the only people who'll find those films "sufficient" are 10 year-olds. And members of the Academy, who unfortunately, due to some of their nominations and picked winners over the years, I will place at the same intelligence, knowledge and maturity level as said grade schoolers.

It is unfortunate that to find the very best in the past year regarding animation, one has to look at the "animated short" category. Here, you'll find the most original and creative works ever to be drawn into cellular form. Honestly, I can say that the only truly original film to be nominated for "best animated feature" recently, would have to be "The Triplets Of Belleville" in 2003. That wonderful film unfortunately lost to "Finding Nemo", which demonstrates the Academy's lack of vision and love for Ellen Degeneres. This year's nominees, save for "Monster House", are basically naseautingly brightly-coloured, celebrity-voiced, computer-imaged, multi-bazillion dollar bags of of sick baby diarrhea.

Quite sad.

Fortunately, to save you from the inane banalities of so-called "acclaimed" animation, I have an excellent little piece from 1953, based on the "Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe. Originally published in 1843, it still elicits goosebumps and fear from me today. Turn off the lights, turn up the sound, and enjoy storytelling at it's absolute best.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ty :-) I LOVED the "Tell-Tale Heart" video you have on here. I read the story when I was about 14 or 15 years old and it scared the crap right out of me. I'd never seen it animated before. It was great. Keep those fun blogs commin'. You're "anonymous" friend. Cheers :-)

Anonymous said...

I kind of just skimmed your post for words I recognized. Did you say that Monster House was good?

Because it wasn't. Even a little bit. Animated features are pretty hit and miss, but if there are funny people attached they are generally decent. Hoodwinked was funny, and Over the Hedge was funny too. Fuck it, I love animated features. A lot.

TylerD said...

Hey Jode, I suppose that if some people find Robin Williams funny, then by your logic, "Happy Feet" is pretty damn good. I haven't seen it, but I don't have to. I know it's shit. Monster House was original, so I give it points for that. But Hoodwinked and Over The Hedge? Give me a break. I would say that almost every major studio-produced animated feature is a miss these days. The last decent ones were "Shrek" and "Toy Story 2", in my opinion.