Tuesday, July 10, 2007

New Simpsons Character Revealed!

Yeah, it's me!
Since I'm not doing anything really constructive at the moment, and I've finished my leftover Pizza Slut pizza (now with Mystery Pepperoni!), I've been scouring the interweb for some quick fun. And boy did I find some! The Simpsons Movie website has a fun little activity where you can create your own Simpsons avatar. It's every fan's dream!

The Simpsons Movie is opening in just a couple weeks (July 27), and because I have been a Simpsons lunatic since I began watching it in 1990, I will be there on opening day, anticipating the worst. I say the worst, because The Simpsons has been on a slow, steady, painful decline in quality since Season 10. This fall, the show will enter it's 19th season, which means we've had to put up with 9 seasons of crap. The show jumped the shark back in Season 10, with an episode entitled "The Principal And The Pauper", and hasn't looked back. It's continued on with episode after episode of pure banality and inispid writing.

That doesn't mean I won't watch every show and not continue to like it, but I'll take pleasure in the fact that I can reminisce about the good days, and pity the kids of today.

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