Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Last Of The Best Things Of 2007!

2007 was a crazy, super-awesome year, and there's really almost too much to cover. Good food, good friends, good conversation - you know, the usual. I pretty much covered all that was important to me, made an impact on me, or gave me a new mindgasm to wrap my mind around. There were some bad things, but who wants to remember those? I sure don't. The faster we forget, the better off we'll be.

Therefore, I'm going to stop reminiscing, and get back to what this blog was meant to do: tell you about kids' stuff.

However, I do have to give a big Rhymes With Tyler shout-out to a very special person. This person made 2007 a truly memorable one, for all the right reasons. I can assure you, dear reader, that without this person, this past year would have been knocked down a few notches on the "memorable meter".

To "BR", you have my thanks, and you have earned your place as a "Best Thing Of 2007".


Premee said...

Brad Renfro? Really?

TylerD said...

What can I say? I saw "Deuces Wild" again back in April, and it changed my whole year. If there's anyone that can make deuces wild, or even just really spirited, it's Brad.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it takes two to tango, you know. Thanks for always being there, in every sense. You're the cheese to my macaroni.
