Wednesday, February 06, 2008

"I've Totally Seen That Actor Somewhere", Part One

In a brand new category of posts, I'd like to answer that age-old burning, and possibly sweaty and drunken, question: "Who's that actor, and where have I seen him/her before?"

Remember that time when you and your friends were sitting around, watching the picture tube and having a few drinks? The conversation was drifting between why your love/hate relationship with the Oilers is reaching near psychotic levels and why Dave's girlfriend could actually be a hooker. All the while, you're trying desperately to find something to do, because frankly, anything's better than just sitting there on a Friday night watching Space Channel's "Friday Frightmare" and drinking sad-man beers. You're watching "Aliens", and then somebody asks the question that sparks a colossal debate: "I've totally seen that actor somewhere. What else has he been in?"

And with that, I'd like to introduce the first actor in a series of posts that deals with answering that elusive, expansive question. The answer to the question is, "Yes, you have seen him before, and no, he wasn't in that show 'Titus'. That was actually Christopher Titus". Our first actor you've seen before is the very underrated and talented Michael Biehn.

Born in Alabama in 1956, Michael eventually attended the University of Arizona, where he enrolled in the drama program, and truly learned what it took to not only be a wildcat on campus, but a wildcat on screen. He was most recently in Planet Terror, from "Grindhouse", but you didn't see that, because when you went to the theatres, you saw "The Reaping" instead. I bet you really regret that now, huh? Let's take a look at some of the films that Michael's presence not only made the film, but he made the viewing experience explode out of your TV and out of your mind!

In The Terminator, Michael shows us his incredible range of talent when he's confronted by a past he's unfamiliar with, and without clothes. Watch the urgency, watch the committment, listen to the awesome dialogue:

Incredible. What year, indeed. You totally remember him in that, right? Now, where else did you see him? How about Aliens? Keep watch at 0:49 and 5:12 to see how an extraordinary actor takes a normal scenario like being attacked by hostile xenomorphic aliens, and makes it his own.

He is a wonder. The shotgun in the aliens mouth, and the line "Eat this!" was your favourite part of the film, wasn't it? You've definitely seen him in other films, though. How about The Seventh Sign? K2? Three films playing a Navy Seal (Navy Seals, The Abyss and The Rock)? One of my personal favourites, is this gem from Tombstone, where he played "Johnny Ringo" with a malicious deliciousness. Let's watch.

I don't know about you, but that scene gave me some old-fashioned goosebumps, like if someone took some cold sarsaparilla and unexpectedly poured it all over my back. That's kind of a dick move, actually.

So the next time someone says, "Hey, I think I've seen him before in something. Wasn't that guy in The Matrix?", simply say, "No, moron. That was Joe Pantoliano." This is Michael Biehn, and you had better show respect. What other actor can put on some bandages, and just fucking act their hearts out? Huh? Nobody.

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