Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Boffo Box Office Biz! But The Other Way, Though

Perhaps I'm a little guilty of schadenfreude, but who the hell wouldn't get a kick out of this latest box office disaster:

'Hottie' a nottie at the box office
You can lead a gossip-loving fan to water, you can even dip their heads in the water, but you can't make them drink. Or even take a sip. A thousand people may line up at the Franklin Mills Mall and wait for hours to catch a glimpse of Paris Hilton but they won't pay money to see her in a movie.
Playing in 111 theaters, the weekend estimate for "The Hottie" was a "Nottie" - $25,000.
Total. An average of $225 per theater or, two, maybe three people per showing.

Daily News wire services contributed to this report.

Pardon me for a second. BWAHAHAHAHA! What a stinging rebuke for a no-talent nothing. Of course, we all saw this coming. I mean, what moron would actually believe that a Paris Hilton movie would actually make money in the theatres? I just feel bad for the people that have seen this piece of shit. To date, 'Hottie and The Nottie' has earned $27,696, which would be about 2500 people. THAT'S the most disturbing fact in all of this, that people outside of Paris' own family and her babbling sycophants have actually seen the film, and paid for it.

You'd think that Paris would have seen this coming, especially with the recent box-office turds that Lindsay Lohan (I Know Who Killed Me) and Jessica Simpson have crapped out. Thankfully, Jessica's camp realized her inability to do absolutely anything worthwhile and pulled Blond Ambition after screening it in only 8 theatres. It, and probably Major Movie Star, have and will be, straight to DVD, which will probably be found in the 99-cent bargain bin at Wal-Mart.

However, Jessica, Paris and even Lindsay cannot boast the lowest box office total. That honour actually gets bestowed upon Katherine Heigl, for her wonderful turn as a seductress in Zyzzyx Road. Also starring Leo Grillo (some guy) and Tom Sizemore, it's the story of love, murder and a horribly spelled road.

Zyzzyx Road release only lasted six days, from February 25, 2006 to March 2, 2006. It was release in only ONE theatre in Dallas, Texas, to six patrons. Unofficially, its opening weekend netted $20, but its actual box office total is proclaimed to be a whopping $30, the difference being a personal refund by Grillo to one of the makeup artists.
$30! To six people!

Zyzzyx Road, I salute you. You may have only made enough money to fill half a gas tank, but you're still infinitely better than any baby-puke film that Paris Hilton will put out.


Anonymous said...

Am I able to buy this film on DVD or at least rent it at my local Blockbuster?

TylerD said...

Ha! Not for sale. But it might be in the "drama" section at the video store, hugging on to the bottom shelf edge, right at the end of the row, just feeling sorry for itself.