Monday, October 20, 2008

Time To Dress Up Those Insecurities

Don't you hate it when bloggers drudge out familiar material, in an effort to block the fact that they've nothing new to write about? I certainly hate it, but fuck it if this isn't too damn funny to post again.

I've posted this video before, but it definitely derserves another viewing. Nay, it deserves a yearly viewing! Right around this time of year ought to do enough justice. And since I know some of you are always suffering "costume indecision syndrome", this might give you that much needed boost. For the ladies, anyways. As for me, I have absolutely no clue what to wear for the big weekend. Sure, I have some half-brained ideas and schemes, but there's a huge leap between having wild costume fantasies, and actually putting it into practice. And for cheap.

Sure, I could buy a costume, like at one of those shitty online costume junkyards, but honestly, why? Why would I want to look like one of the biggest douchebags at the party? There's plenty of guys who are going to take the reins for me, so why bother horning in on their douche-tacular territory? As a note, if you looked at the Halloween Distributors/San Francisco insert in Sunday's Edmonton Sun, and thought, "Hey, these costumes are hilarious! I'm totally getting one!", then you are an infinitely-sized douchebag. Like this guy.

But ladies, by all means, if you're going to go slutty, go all the way (I recommend this. Somehow, you can even make the ugliest mythological titan sexy). If you don't have "sexy" in front of your costume, and a minimal amount of clothing, you're ruining Halloween for everyone. Okay, maybe don't go too far. There's should be a definitive line between "holiday fun" and "prostitution ring".

Have a safe and fun Halloween everyone!

1 comment:

Premee said...

This is not related. This is not current. It isn't even sexy. But I read it and immediately thought "Oh God, Tyler has to read this."