Thursday, October 30, 2008

For Everything You Do, Just Be Don Draper

It's no secret that the best television show on TV since July 2007 is Mad Men.

Well, it's a secret to you, because you don't watch it. You'd rather be watching reruns of 'Home Improvement' on CMT (how dare you!). What you're missing out on is possibly the best written, best acted and best directed series your feeble looking balls will ever be laid upon. It oozes sex appeal, it's drenched with alcohol-fueled self-assurance, and it harkens back to a time when days were counted by the number of cigarette packs. It's that good. I mean, 14 award wins and 18 nominations in two seasons? And the second season just ended? And the seasons were each only 13 episodes? WHY AREN'T YOU WATCHING THIS?

Sorry, I get a little flustered when I ask people if they watch great shows, and I only get blank, moronic stares (it's the Arrested Development epidemic all over again). Stop watching anything else, and watch this show. Wait, you can watch Pushing Daisies as well, because it's also super awesome, and you have nothing better to do on a Wednesday night. I know you.

Jon Hamm, Golden Globe winner for Best Performance by an Actor, was recently on Saturday Night Live this past weekend, and although I didn't watch it (I was at a concert), I came across this clip. If you're a fan of MM, you'll get a major kick out of it. If you don't watch the show, just watch it anyways. You're on the internet, and you like videos.

Don Draper, you diabolical bastard. Pick up the DVD of Season One right now. Watch, learn, love. Repeat when Season 2 comes out. Then wait impatiently for Season 3 like a crack addict waiting for the guy at the bottle depot to count his dumpster bottles, so that he can get almost enough money for the next hit.

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