Thursday, May 21, 2009

To The Gorge!

I wish I could write a better blog post than this one, but I'm too damn excited. I would have to say that my excitement level is bordering on "6-year-old on Christmas-Eve trying not to pass-out from presents-expectation mania". And if you know me and how often I express emotion (which is basically never), that's a pretty agitated state. Why am I so excited? Because I'm heading off for a week's holiday.

Is it deserved? Probably not. I don't work as an air-traffic controller or a Wall Street day trader, or any other job that requires mandatory vacations to stave off suicide, but I have a holiday, nonetheless. And I'm spending at the Sasquatch Music Festival. I'll be seeing Kings of Leon, Nine Inch Nails, Jane's Addiction, and many, many more (like TV On The Radio, The Walkmen, The Gaslight Anthem, Zach Galifianakis, etc.). You may commence your mean-spirited taunts and shouts of hate towards me any time. I don't mind. Just think, while you're slaving over numbers and spreadsheets or other kinds of mind-numbing minutiae, I'll be enjoying the Gorge Amphitheatre in Washington state. If you look at the picture, I'm sure you can imagine how awesome it will be, and what kind of amazed look I'll have on my face while I'm there. And I know you want to punch that face, but hey, if I was in your position, I'd probably wish violent thoughts, too. Cut me some slack, though. I go on 1.5 vacations a year. You probably go on many more, becuase you think you need to. Every other day, you whine and lament that you "just need to get away for a while", and you ask "why am I working?" or you cry that you "just hate this weather - why do I live here?". You know what? Saying things like that makes me want to punch you. Many times.

So have a great week, and I'll see you when I get back! (That message was for my parents, because I know they're the only ones who read this blog - the rest of you say you do, but you don't, because you still think the internet is for virgin nerds)

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